
How Many Servings In A 6 Inch Round Cake

Guide to block sizes and serving chart

Published on Dec 13, 2021 3 min read

It's every baker'due south worst nightmare: running out of cake! With our handy guide to block sizes, yous needn't worry. Whether yous're blistering a two-layer round cake for a gathering of eight or a six-tiered wedding ceremony cake for a oversupply of 150, we'll show you exactly how large you'll want your block to brand sure you accept plenty to feed your party and non take as well many leftovers.

Cake portion sizes

How big is a slice of cake? It really depends on who's cutting information technology! There will inevitably be variations in portion sizes (especially if a cake lover is left in charge of serving up!) just our guides are based on a 2x1 inch slice of cake. On a round cake the 2 inch serving would be measured from the circumference of the cake, whereas a rectangular block would be measured in 2x1 inch squares.

How to slice a block

Whether your cake is round, foursquare, rectangle, tiered or in a fun shape – there are certain ways you tin can cut it to make certain serving sizes are equal and you get the most of the cake. For a circular cake, this well-nigh always involves cutting outwards from the centre into slices, whereas square and rectangular cakes can be cut into smaller, equal portions. For themed cakes with an irregular shape, it's often best to cut rectangles or squares from the centre of the cake.

Round cakes

A round cake is a classic – from an all-time favourite jam sponge to a rich and decadent chocolate cake. For small family unit gatherings and celebrations or to back-trail a bigger spread of sugariness treats, a five inch single layer circular block is perfect. For big events and birthdays, y'all can get up to 64 servings out of only one layer!

Circular cakes should be cutting from the centre outwards, with a ii inch gap between each slice. The portion guide below is based on a unmarried layer, merely yous can layer up to get more servings from a cake. For instance, making a double layer block means thinner slices simply just as much delicious cake for everyone to enjoy!

Rectangular cakes

If you lot're baking for a big altogether bash or a kids' party – a rectangular sheet bake is platonic! Perfect for feeding a crowd of cake lovers, rectangular cakes are easy to portion out and serve in mini rectangular bites. If you lot're looking for a more substantial slice for an afternoon treat, we recommend halving the serving sizes and dishing up a bigger portion.

Square cakes

Like rectangular cakes, square cakes are corking if you're blistering for a large crowd. Cutting into rectangular pieces, y'all can get eight slices out of a 5 inch bake.

Tiered cakes

The more tiers, the more yummy cake at that place is to go around! This makes it an obvious choice for wedding cakes, also every bit big events where there are lots of people to feed. When it comes to tiered cakes, there are two portion sizes – finger portions and dessert portions. Finger portions are 1x1 inch and are ideal if you're having cake as a political party actress, maybe in the evening after a three-grade wedding breakfast. Dessert portions are slightly bigger at 1x2 inches and are substantial enough to be served in place of a dessert.

Bundt cakes

Similar to round cakes, the bundt block is peachy for more intimate occasions like afternoon tea with friends or a small family gathering. A bundt cake can can vary in size and tends to be deeper than a unproblematic circular cake, merely it has a pigsty in the eye, so we recommend using the approximate servings guide for a round block for bundt bakes.

Loaf cakes

From lemon drizzle to banana bread, loaf cakes are perfect for a smaller gathering with friends or family. Loaf tins come up in many sizes and are mainly used for staff of life, simply the most popular choice for cakes is a 3x8 inch tin, which you tin can expect to go around 10 slices from.

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How Many Servings In A 6 Inch Round Cake,


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